Why cash still matters to clients

August 8, 2024

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


This is the first article in a two-part series. Read why cash still matters to advisors

The steady stream of rate increases and bank instability in 2023 made cash a hot topic. According to one advisor we work with, the media coverage of how investors can maximize their returns with high-yield cash accounts meant she no longer had to initiate a conversation about cash with clients herself – they were bringing the subject up on their own. Clients started recognizing the truth in their advisors’ words: cash matters.

As rates have remained steady and the banking industry is no longer a leading news story, cash might not be top of mind for clients, meaning advisors may need to proactively bring up the topic with clients. Here are a few reasons why it’s worth spending a few minutes to set your clients up with Flourish Cash:

1. Rates matter always

The Wall Street Journal reported that investors missed out on more than $291 billion in interest between 2019 and 2023 by leaving their cash in low-paying checking or savings accounts.1 When interest rates started rising in 2023, the potential earnings were compelling enough that some clients tuned in to the opportunity of competitive rate accounts, earning $235 billion more in interest that year.2 But not everyone has made the switch and low rates at the largest U.S. banks have persisted despite rising rates overall, creating a unique opportunity for advisors.

Whether high-yield cash accounts offer a rate comparable to Flourish’s current rate of 5.00% APY§ or something lower in the future, it will almost certainly be more than what a client can earn from their standard bank savings account. While it might seem inconceivable that, in 2024, every single investor hasn't found their way to a high-yield solution, the reality is that the vast majority of deposits into Flourish come from money center banks that pay virtually nothing on deposits. The ability of competitive yield accounts like Flourish Cash to pay exponentially more than the national savings account average – currently 10x more# – leads to higher returns for clients.

How big is the opportunity for your clients? At Flourish, clients with a self-reported net worth of $1-2M have an average household balance of $194,716,|| so the difference in earnings can be considerable. In fact, the amount of interest earned on the average Flourish account balance could pay for a vacation or offset more than half of the typical advisory firms’ fees.


2. Creating long-term behavior

While it often can take several reminders to spur clients to move their funds from a low-interest bearing account to a high-yield cash account, the efforts against client inertia pay off, especially in the long term. At Flourish, we’ve seen that clients tend to stick around once they open an account. Our 2024 client retention rate is over 99%, implying an average customer tenure of approximately 10 years! With clients able to earn significantly higher returns with a competitive yield account, the year-over-year benefit can truly compound.

Flourish gives advisors the ability to view both current Flourish Cash balances and balances of instantly-linked bank accounts. With this information, it can be beneficial to periodically review client lists to discover if even existing clients have significant amounts of cash sitting on the sidelines. If they do, this can be a prime opportunity to help them easily start earning considerably more on their cash reserves.


3. The need for FDIC insurance

Regardless of the rate, clients need a cash solution that gives them confidence that their money will be safe and available when they need it. The banking turmoil that unraveled in spring 2023 spurred a flurry of activity as advisors and their clients sought to ensure that their funds were secure. They turned to programs that were able to offer FDIC coverage well beyond the $250,000 offered on a typical single checking or savings account. In response to this increasingly important requirement, Flourish expanded the amount of FDIC coverage offered through our Program Banks to the current levels of $5M for individual and business accounts, $10M for joint accounts, and up to $20M for two-person households.Ω

Even though FDIC isn’t making headlines today, it’s imperative for advisors to know where their clients are holding cash and to ensure that every dollar is covered. When the next crisis rolls around, your foresight could make all the difference. 


About Flourish

Flourish builds technology that empowers financial advisors, improves financial lives and retirement outcomes, and delivers new and innovative investment options to advisors. Today, the Flourish platform is used by more than 800 wealth management firms representing more than $1.5 trillion in assets under management. Flourish is wholly-owned by MassMutual. For more information, visit www.flourish.com.


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Interested in learning more about Flourish Cash?

Flourish is an online platform through which investors can access financial services and products. Flourish’s offerings are provided by different entities and are subject to different terms, investor protections, and risks. Flourish Cash is offered by Flourish Financial LLC, a registered broker-dealer and FINRA member. Flourish Financial LLC is not a bank. Check the background of Flourish Financial LLC and its personnel on FINRA's BrokerCheck. Flourish Crypto is offered by Paxos Trust Company, LLC, a Flourish Crypto is offered by Paxos Trust Company, LLC, a New York limited purpose trust company regulated by the New York Department of Financial Services that provides custody and execution services for the Flourish Crypto accounts, and Flourish Digital Assets LLC, registered in New York as a commodity broker-dealer and provides website and other services and support for Flourish Crypto accounts. Paxos is not an affiliate of Flourish. Flourish Annuities refers generally to the annuity platform operated by Flourish Technologies LLC, where applicable, and to Flourish Insurance Agency LLC in its capacity as a licensed insurance producer providing insurance services related to such platform. Flourish Insurance Agency LLC does business in California under the name Flourish Digital Insurance Agency. An annuity is an insurance contract. Annuities shown on the platform are sold through Flourish Insurance Agency LLC, a licensed insurance producer, with offices in Jersey City, New Jersey, and are issued by one or more approved licensed life insurance companies. The Flourish entities mentioned above are affiliates. Flourish Cash, Flourish Crypto, and Flourish Annuities accounts are separate accounts and only assets in Flourish Cash accounts may be eligible for protection by the FDIC or SIPC. Please review the Legal section of our website, and the disclosures provided with each Flourish service or product, for further information. If you were introduced or invited to Flourish by an investment advisor or other third party, please be aware that, unless otherwise disclosed to you, they are not affiliated with any Flourish entity. The role of the investment advisor or other firm that invited you to Flourish may vary between different Flourish services and products, as further described in your terms of service. © 2024 Flourish. All rights reserved.

† A Flourish Cash account is a brokerage account offered by Flourish Financial LLC, a registered broker-dealer and FINRA member. Flourish Financial LLC is not a bank. Check the background of Flourish Financial LLC and its personnel on FINRA's BrokerCheck. The cash balance in a Flourish Cash account will be swept from the brokerage account to deposit account(s) at one or more third-party Program Banks that have agreed to accept deposits from customers of Flourish Financial LLC. The accounts at Program Banks will pay a variable rate of interest.

§ Flourish Cash currently has a tiered interest rate structure and currently has one tier in effect. Rate and FDIC insurance coverage details can be found in the program summary. We deposit your cash with one or more of the Program Banks, subject to any Program Bank(s) you have excluded. You will earn the highest rate offered by Flourish up to the maximum deposit amount for each tier. Each annual percentage yield (APY) displayed here is effective as of 04/24/2024 and may change at any time. Your advisor may charge fees which impact the effective rate you receive on your cash; you should speak with your advisor for more information. The Flourish Cash interest rate(s) could be lower than the rate that could be earned by opening a deposit account directly with a Program Bank.

# Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, National Deposit Rates: Savings [SNDR], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/SNDR, 07/15/2024.

|| Source: Flourish Financial LLC; data as of 01/01/2024. 

∆ An advisor’s ability to view client account information is subject to applicable privacy laws and clients' consent to such sharing.

Ω The cash balance in a Flourish Cash account that is swept to one or more Program Banks is eligible for FDIC insurance, subject to FDIC rules, including aggregate insurance coverage limits. FDIC insurance will not be provided until funds arrive at the Program Bank. There are currently at least 20 Program Banks available to accept deposits for business Flourish Cash accounts and personal Flourish Cash accounts, and we are not obligated to allocate customer funds across more than this number of Program Banks if there is a greater number of banks in the program. Customers are generally eligible for FDIC insurance coverage of $250,000 per customer, per Program Bank, for each account ownership category. Thus, business customers are eligible for up to $5,000,000 of FDIC insurance and personal customers are eligible for (i) up to $5,000,000 of FDIC insurance for an individual account or revocable living trust account and (ii) up to $10,000,000 of FDIC insurance for a joint account with two owners or joint revocable living trust(s). The total FDIC coverage for a two-person household is calculated assuming that each household member has an individual account and that both household members share a joint account. If the number of Program Banks decreases for a customer (for instance, because a customer chooses to exclude Program Banks from receiving their deposits), the amount of FDIC insurance through Flourish Cash could be lower. Typically, all of a customer’s deposits at a Program Bank in the same ownership category (including deposits held outside Flourish Cash or held through multiple Flourish Cash accounts with the same ownership category) count toward the FDIC insurance limit for deposits at that Program Bank. Customers are responsible for monitoring whether they maintain deposits at a Program Bank outside of Flourish Cash and should consider choosing to exclude that Program Bank from receiving their deposits to avoid exceeding FDIC insurance limits. Although Flourish Cash is offered through a brokerage account and cash held in brokerage accounts often has the benefit of SIPC protection, until such time as we offer securities products, customers likely will not have the benefit of SIPC protection. SIPC protection is not available for cash held at the Program Banks. Our current Program Banks can be found here. For additional information regarding FDIC coverage, visit https://fdic.gov/.

1 Rabouin, Dion. “The $42 Billion Question: Why Aren’t Americans Ditching Big Banks?” The Wall Street Journal. December 8, 2022. 

2 Sahadi, Jeanne. “Americans were paid an additional $235 billion in interest in 2023, thanks to the Fed.” 1 May 2024. CNN.