Annuity replacements:

A primer for fee-based financial advisors

February 11, 2024

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Do your clients hold annuities? Over the last decade, hundreds of billions of dollar’s worth of annuities have been sold each year, with $432B in sales in 2024 alone.1 There’s a good chance some of your clients own annuities – and you may not know it.

Clients may come into your practice with an annuity purchased from a commissioned salesperson long ago, or may have purchased one previously from a friend or relative. Critically, the annuity may no longer serve the financial needs of the client, and may have high fees or pay low rates. Your client may not be aware that there are alternatives — and may not even remember they purchased the annuity at all. It’s vital for advisors to bring these annuities to light. Doing so is a great way to provide comprehensive guidance and support to your clients — and is an opportunity to convert currently held-away annuities into fee-earning assets that are better aligned with their financial goals.


By asking each of your clients if they hold any existing annuities, you create greater visibility into their overall financial picture. Additionally, it creates the opportunity to introduce any clients already holding annuities to new options that may better suit their goals.


As defined in our Annuities Glossary, an annuity replacement, also known as a 1035 exchange, is “a transaction in which a new annuity contract is purchased using all or a portion of the proceeds of an existing annuity contract.”

Replacements happen most commonly at the end of an annuity term and, when done properly, can be completed without becoming a taxable event for your client. In general, an annuity replacement must meet three requirements to not trigger a taxable event:^^

  • The contract owner(s) must be the same.
  • The qualified status of the contract must remain the same. Qualified funds must go into a new, qualified contract, while non-qualified funds must go into a non-qualified contract.
  • The funds must transfer directly from the old carrier to the new one.

If the replacement meets these conditions, the funds in the annuity will remain tax-deferred until your client withdraws them in the future.

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Knowing that replacements can be beneficial for your clients, it’s essential to develop a clear understanding of which clients hold annuities and the terms of each contract.

Start by simply asking each client if they hold any annuities. It’s possible they purchased one years ago with a long-forgotten broker. Your question might shake loose a memory for your client.

Once you learn of an annuity’s existence, ask your client to share more detailed information — they may be able to share a contract, current statement, or original brochures and materials. Review the details of each, or reach out to our Annuity Sales Specialists at and we’ll help look for opportunities to surrender or replace the annuity, or activate an optional income stream. Our team of licensed annuity experts is here to help you review details and explore the options for your client’s specific needs. While replacements are always based on facts and circumstances, there are three common replacement opportunities that advisors should be aware of:

1. Fixed annuities at the end of their term

Fixed annuities are commonly used to provide maximum downside protection, while still allowing for some upside growth, and include both multi-year guaranteed annuities (MYGAs) and Fixed Indexed Annuities (FIAs). Both of these products offer options for guaranteed rates for all or some of the surrender period, but once the surrender period ends, the interest rate typically drops.††

Clients may wish to replace their old fixed annuities with new annuities that offer more advantageous rates. View current MYGA rates through Flourish Annuities.* Keep in mind that a 1035 exchange may initiate a new surrender period, which may make a replacement unsuitable for clients who need more immediate access to their funds. Our Annuities Specialists are available to help you review all details when considering a replacement.

2. Variable annuities that were purchased years ago

Older variable annuities may have high fees, which can create significant drag on market performance — our team recently came across an old variable annuity with all-in fees over 4% per year!

Additionally, variable annuities often are used to provide equity exposure within an annuity wrapper. If your client purchased the variable annuity years ago, their needs have likely changed and they may no longer want or need the same amount of equity exposure.

If they want less exposure and greater insulation from market volatility, a MYGA or Fixed Indexed Annuity might be the right fit. One of the key benefits of a fixed annuity is the guaranteed principal protection.††

If your client wishes to retain that equity exposure, consider exchanging their old variable annuity for a new Variable Annuity or Registered Index Linked Annuity with lower fees.

3. Annuities with outdated features

As clients' life circumstances change, their financial needs shift as well. If your client has an old annuity, it may have additional features — like an income rider or death benefit — that no longer provides value to them. These features typically increase the fees and decrease the performance of the annuity — meaning, your clients may be paying for features and benefits that they will never use.
If this is the case, speak with your client about annuity replacement options that maintain the core benefits of their current annuity, such as guaranteed rates or equity exposure, but forgo the unnecessary add-ons.

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As you guide your clients through discussions about annuities, Flourish is here to help. The Flourish Annuities marketplace offers advisors access to a curated suite of fee-based MYGAs with a guaranteed return. Our team holds insurance licenses, giving advisors access to annuity products without the need to be licensed.

If you are exploring the replacement process with any clients, ‌consult with one of our Annuity Sales Specialists at or (833) 808-5700 on next steps.


About Flourish

Flourish builds technology that empowers financial advisors, improves financial lives and retirement outcomes, and delivers new and innovative investment options to advisors. Today, the Flourish platform is used by more than 900 wealth management firms representing more than $1.5 trillion in assets under management. Flourish is wholly-owned by MassMutual. For more information, visit


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Flourish is an online platform through which investors can access financial services and products. Flourish's offerings are provided by different entities and are subject to different terms, investor protections, and risks. Flourish Cash is offered by Flourish Financial LLC, a registered broker-dealer and FINRA member. Flourish Financial LLC is not a bank. Check the background of Flourish Financial LLC and its personnel on FINRA's BrokerCheck. Flourish Annuities refers generally to the annuity platform operated by Flourish Technologies LLC, where applicable, and to Flourish Insurance Agency LLC in its capacity as a licensed insurance producer providing insurance services related to such platform. Flourish Insurance Agency LLC does business in California under the name Flourish Digital Insurance Agency. An annuity is an insurance contract. Annuities shown on the platform are sold through Flourish Insurance Agency LLC, a licensed insurance producer, with offices in Jersey City, New Jersey, and are issued by one or more approved licensed life insurance companies. The Flourish entities mentioned above are affiliates. Flourish Cash and Flourish Annuities accounts are separate accounts and only assets in Flourish Cash accounts may be eligible for protection by the FDIC or SIPC. Please review the Legal section of our website, and the disclosures provided with each Flourish service or product, for further information. If you were introduced or invited to Flourish by an investment advisor or other third party, please be aware that, unless otherwise disclosed to you, they are not affiliated with any Flourish entity. The role of the investment advisor or other firm that invited you to Flourish may vary between different Flourish services and products, as further described in your terms of service. © 2025 Flourish. All rights reserved.

* Flourish Annuities refers generally to the annuity platform operated by Flourish Technologies LLC, where applicable, and to Flourish Insurance Agency LLC in its capacity as a licensed insurance producer providing insurance services related to such platform, and where applicable, the individual annuity contracts intended to be purchased by individual clients of registered investment advisors (“RIAs”). Flourish Insurance Agency LLC does business in California under the name Flourish Digital Insurance Agency.

An annuity is an insurance contract. Annuities shown on the platform are sold through Flourish Insurance Agency LLC, with offices in Jersey City, New Jersey, a licensed insurance producer, and are issued by one or more approved licensed life insurance companies. The issuing insurance company, not any Flourish company, is solely responsible for its own financial and contractual obligations. All benefits and guarantees of the annuity contract are subject to the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company. This is not a proposal or a solicitation to purchase insurance. Flourish Annuities is not available to New York residents.

†† The issuing insurance company, not any Flourish company, is solely responsible for its own financial and contractual obligations. All benefits and guarantees of the annuity contract are subject to the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

^^ Flourish Insurance Agency LLC and its Flourish affiliates, and issuing insurance companies do not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. Applicants and purchasers should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. 

1 Almazora, Leo. “Annuity sales surged to a $432.4B high in 2024.” InvestmentNews. January 28, 2025.