Why we built

Flourish Annuities

January 17, 2024
By: Max Lane, CEO

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes 
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Why we built Flourish Annuities

Since 2017, Flourish has been on a mission to help advisors better serve clients and improve outcomes by delivering innovative, delightful, RIA-centric solutions for every aspect of clients’ financial lives. As we have shared, clients increasingly expect their advisors to help with all aspects of their money, expanding from investments to the worlds of banking, crypto, insurance, and more. We believe this expansion is the next evolution of financial advice and that the advisors who rise to the occasion will create deeper relationships, improve outcomes, and ultimately, grow their practices. At Flourish, we are developing products that empower advisors to embrace this trend and go "beyond the portfolio".

Today, we are excited to announce the next step in making that vision a reality: Flourish Annuities.*

Our vision is for Flourish Annuities to be the premier platform for independent RIAs to offer access to fee-based annuities to their clients. By completely rebuilding the technology underpinning how annuities are offered to make it "RIA-centric" and pairing it with a curated marketplace of fee-based annuities, we make it easy for RIAs to leverage annuities within their existing workflows. Flourish Annuities will:

  • Transform how advisors incorporate protection solutions into financial plans
  • Bring new options to better manage risk, generate income, and differentiate portfolios
  • Deliver meaningful behavioral benefits to foster calmer, more confident clients who are freed up to focus on what truly matters in life: family, friends, careers, and passions
The annuities market hit record sales of $360B in 2023, demonstrating an area of huge potential, yet adoption in the independent RIA space has been essentially nonexistent. While RIAs have historically shunned annuities – for reasons ranging from reputational hurdles to concerns around fees – in recent years, new fee-based products have arrived on the market that are more compatible with the RIA model and can offer powerful benefits to portfolio construction. We believe that advisors should always have access to the best solutions for their clients, regardless of type, whenever they can be used to improve client outcomes. So we set out to help RIAs unlock this new frontier.


The benefits of adding annuities to portfolios

Annuities can bring guarantees†† to client portfolios and increase peace of mind for clients, all while helping RIAs differentiate their practices. 

Adding annuities to client portfolios and plans introduces one of the rarest and most desired features when it comes to money: guarantees. Unlike stocks and bonds, annuities can offer guaranteed protection of principal, returns, and income, providing clients with certainty in a very uncertain world. With guaranteed protection, advisors and clients can access attractive risk-adjusted returns, hedge sequence of return and longevity risks, and dampen portfolio and income volatility. Additionally, annuities are tax-deferred, opening up the door to better tax optimization and planning.^^

Increasing client confidence and peace of mind

Perhaps most importantly, annuity guarantees and protection can have a meaningful impact on client behavior. Guaranteed protection of principal and returns can smooth out the emotional ride for clients by greatly reducing volatility and ensuring at least a portion of their portfolio cannot lose value. Similarly, income guarantees not only provide a spending safety net, but they also empower clients to feel they have “permission to spend” in retirement, encouraging more fulfilled, enjoyable lives in their golden years. 

Annuities as a differentiator

Annuities can serve as a unique offering for RIAs to differentiate their practice and better serve their clients. As one advisor said, “While not everyone is familiar with annuities, everyone loves certainty and guarantees.” With clients on the cusp of retirement expected to live longer, healthier lives, now is an ideal time for RIAs to add annuities to their practices and set themselves up for success in the years ahead.


Why RIAs are not using annuities today

As new fee-based annuities have come onto the market in recent years, we have heard firsthand that advisors still struggle to access these products simply because they were not built to fully meet RIA needs. We’ve identified three key challenges that have hindered RIA adoption: 

  1. Poor user experience: Complicated paperwork, outdated technology, isolated workflows, and limited RIA support have alienated many advisors who may otherwise want to leverage this asset class.  
  2. Licensing: The overhead of licensing and registration for an RIA firm to offer insurance products is significant while referring business to a competitive insurance agent is problematic for obvious reasons. Thus, the cost of incorporating annuities has often outweighed the potential benefits for RIAs.
  3. Navigating the insurance landscape: The myriad of carriers and products and unfamiliar jargon makes it a formidable task to appropriately vet, understand, and curate the right solutions for your clients.

These challenges are exactly the kinds of problems we love to solve at Flourish.


Enter Flourish Annuities

To enable RIAs to leverage the powerful benefits of annuities for their clients, we set out to change the entire experience. Flourish Annuities aims not only to make incorporating annuities attractive, but delightful.

For each of the challenges, we built solutions. 

  1. First, we brought the Flourish “just works” experience to annuities to deliver a modern platform that aims to make the process of incorporating annuities smooth and delightful: CRM integrations to prefill information, digital applications and funding, automated reminders, direct reporting platform integrations, and an easy-to-use recommendation engine that identifies annuities that meet clients’ specific investment needs.
  2. Next, we built an insurance agency to serve as “The RIA’s Insurance Desk”. Flourish Insurance Agency takes on the responsibility for carrier and product selection, suitability review, and providing our signature service to you and your clients. Advisors identify the investment need for their clients and we do the rest. 
  3. Finally, we built a marketplace of vetted carriers and products, eliminating the need for extensive market research or insurance expertise. The strong rates∫∫ and carrier ratings are a testament to the quality of these solutions. 


Today and beyond

The first offering of Flourish Annuities are multi-year guaranteed annuities (MYGAs). These straightforward, simple products function similarly to CDs within an investment portfolio with fixed terms, guaranteed rates that are often higher than traditional fixed income products, and complete principal protection. With the possibility of falling rates on the horizon, now is an ideal time to evaluate MYGAs to see if they are a good fit for clients. 

Through Flourish Annuities, RIAs can leverage the many unique benefits of MYGAs – attractive fixed returns, guaranteed principal, tax-deferred growth, uncorrelated performance, and sequence of return protection – to enhance portfolios and improve outcomes. At the same time, RIAs can open the door to these solutions without the barriers of licenses, commissions, or the potential loss of business to competitive insurance agents. Essentially, Flourish Annuities enables RIAs to offer access to an attractive, safe asset class that otherwise would be too cumbersome to provide.

On the behavioral side, an allocation to MYGAs can provide a critical portfolio ballast. Having a sleeve of the portfolio that cannot have a negative return can be invaluable in smoothing out the emotional ride for clients during times of market volatility. A smoother ride yields more confident, committed, and happier clients.

MYGAs represent the first step in Flourish Annuities’ mission to transform how RIAs incorporate protection solutions into client portfolios and financial plans. We are already in the process of expanding our range of annuity options to allow RIAs to provide solutions for a broader set of client needs. From different types of portfolio protection to guaranteed income solutions, we are excited to further expand the RIA toolkit and, together, improve client lives. We look forward to this new chapter of our partnership.

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About Flourish

Flourish builds technology that empowers financial advisors, improves financial lives and retirement outcomes, and delivers new and innovative investment options to advisors. Today, the Flourish platform is used by more than 900 wealth management firms representing more than $1.5 trillion in assets under management. Flourish is wholly-owned by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual). For more information, visit www.flourish.com.


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Want to learn more about Flourish Annuities?

Flourish is an online platform through which investors can access financial services and products. Flourish’s offerings are provided by different entities and are subject to different terms, investor protections, and risks. Flourish Cash is offered by Flourish Financial LLC, a registered broker-dealer and FINRA member. Flourish Financial LLC is not a bank. Check the background of Flourish Financial LLC and its personnel on FINRA's BrokerCheck. Flourish Annuities refers generally to the annuity platform operated by Flourish Technologies LLC, where applicable, and to Flourish Insurance Agency LLC in its capacity as a licensed insurance producer providing insurance services related to such platform. Flourish Insurance Agency LLC does business in California under the name Flourish Digital Insurance Agency. An annuity is an insurance contract. Annuities shown on the platform are sold through Flourish Insurance Agency LLC, a licensed insurance producer, with offices in Jersey City, New Jersey, and are issued by one or more approved licensed life insurance companies. The Flourish entities mentioned above are affiliates. Flourish Cash and Flourish Annuities accounts are separate accounts and only assets in Flourish Cash accounts may be eligible for protection by the FDIC or SIPC. Please review the Legal section of our website, and the disclosures provided with each Flourish service or product, for further information. If you were introduced or invited to Flourish by an investment advisor or other third party, please be aware that, unless otherwise disclosed to you, they are not affiliated with any Flourish entity. The role of the investment advisor or other firm that invited you to Flourish may vary between different Flourish services and products, as further described in your terms of service. © 2024 Flourish. All rights reserved.

* Flourish Annuities refers generally to the annuity platform operated by Flourish Technologies LLC, where applicable, and to Flourish Insurance Agency LLC in its capacity as a licensed insurance producer providing insurance services related to such platform, and where applicable, the individual annuity contracts intended to be purchased by individual clients of registered investment advisors (“RIAs”). Flourish Insurance Agency LLC does business in California under the name Flourish Digital Insurance Agency.

An annuity is an insurance contract. Annuities shown on the platform are sold through Flourish Insurance Agency, LLC, with offices in Jersey City, New Jersey, a licensed insurance producer, and are issued by one or more approved licensed life insurance companies. The issuing insurance company, not any Flourish company, is solely responsible for its own financial and contractual obligations. All benefits and guarantees of the annuity contract are subject to the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company. This is not a proposal or a solicitation to purchase insurance. Flourish Annuities is not available to New York residents.

†† The issuing insurance company, not any Flourish company, is solely responsible for its own financial and contractual obligations. All benefits and guarantees of the annuity contract are subject to the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

^^ Flourish Insurance Agency LLC and its Flourish affiliates, and issuing insurance companies do not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. Applicants and purchasers should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. 

∫∫ Rates displayed here are effective as of the date of publication and may change at any time, including a downward change.